Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A glimpse at Yellowstone

Eventually Alan is going to do a post on Yellowstone, but until then here are some pictures.

Friday, September 17, 2010

More Pictures From the Tetons

Wildlife Sighting Around Yellowstone and the Tetons




Camping in the Tetons

We camped at Jenny Lake in our tiny little tent,
Next to some very big mountains on a glacial lake.

The Tetons are absolutely incredible. We went for a little hike around the lake. Well, it was supposed to be a little hike. Everything was so beautiful that we just kept walking. For 8.5 miles. The pictures don't really do justice to how amazing the woods and mountains are. And pictures can't capture the wonderful smell of fir trees that make you think of fresh Christmas trees and the cool breeze that blows across the lake. As you hike around the lake the forest is a-buzz with insects, chipmunks and the bubbling of mountain streams.

We were worn out after our long hike, but it was worth it. Mountains like that are something new to a couple of Florida kids!

Sunday, September 12, 2010