Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
Camping in the Tetons
We camped at Jenny Lake in our tiny little tent,
Next to some very big mountains on a glacial lake.
The Tetons are absolutely incredible. We went for a little hike around the lake. Well, it was supposed to be a little hike. Everything was so beautiful that we just kept walking. For 8.5 miles. The pictures don't really do justice to how amazing the woods and mountains are. And pictures can't capture the wonderful smell of fir trees that make you think of fresh Christmas trees and the cool breeze that blows across the lake. As you hike around the lake the forest is a-buzz with insects, chipmunks and the bubbling of mountain streams.
We were worn out after our long hike, but it was worth it. Mountains like that are something new to a couple of Florida kids!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Hooray, the gateway to the west! Boo, the entire city of St. Louis for avoiding holding a camera for us, hence this is the best picture I could get.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Nashville nightlite
Downtown was not particularly bustling like we thought it would be but rain was moving in and it was a Thursday. Karaoke was everywhere seeing as how everyone is trying to make it as a country music star. Fortunately none of us were trying to make it. It was nice to wander in and out of live music venues without paying any cover.
We finally settled in Layla's Bluegrass Inn mostly because of the dollar PBR special but soon after discovered that the band playing was the one our guide Jason (Martha's cousin) had been looking for. The upright bass thumped out a strong rhythm and everything else had just the right amount of twang, before we knew it we were rocking out to Slim Chance and the Can't Hardly Playboys.
When the band finished their set we moved on to a rooftop bar with a narrow view of the river and the Titans stadium. The band there was less impressive but not nearly as disappointing as the drink prices. Also be forewarned if you are a man and you come to Nashville many of the men's rooms have valets. I hate bathroom valets.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
We are underway from Orange Park FL to Tallullah Falls GA for the first leg of our cross-country tour
Friday, September 3, 2010
Only in the south
I went to the last Jaguar's pre-season game last night with Martha's aunt, uncle and father which was an excellent time. The highlight however were the beauties above. See, the Everbank stadium has a Sonny's vending booth and at that booth they sell the masterpiece that is BBQ nachos. You read that correctly, BBQ nachos. Corn chips, cheese sauce, pulled pork and Sonny's sweet BBQ sauce. It ain't pretty, it ain't even right but it was tasty.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Toes in the Atlantic
Goodbye Party
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
One thing I'll miss
Pink skies filled with lightening and constantly rumbling thunder. I wonder if there are ever evenings like this in Oregon?
Only 2 weeks left! I can't wait to get to my new home.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
The little tent test
Good news, the small tent kept the water out on its first night ever even without a footprint or tarp under it. Last night was supposed to be a storm test but the storm never showed up.
We have already used the big tent in the rain so no need to test it. Though now we wonder if we even need to take the monster tent. To give you some idea, about 6 to 8 small tents fit in the large tent. The large tent has skylight for Pete's sake.
Leaving behind the big tent saves us a lot of room in Martha's tiny car, so what do you think internet, big tent or little tent?
Monday, August 2, 2010
Making Progress
-We've given our intent to vacate.
-The electric and internet are scheduled to be shut off at the end of the month.
-The storage/shipping container is scheduled to be dropped off in 3 weeks.
-We've started packing.
-We have on campsite reserved and all of the friends and family we are planning on staying with across the country know we are coming and are looking forward to it.
Now its just a matter of getting rid of all our extra crap and making as much money as we can in the few weeks we have left.